Permit Requirements


Liquids (Leachate) Management – Leachate collected on the liner systems of the disposal areas are pumped to an on-site storage facility and trucked off-site in tanker trailers for disposal at a permitted wastewater treatment facility.

Truck Trip Limitation – The facility is limited to 70 truck round trips (plus an additional 10 “zero emission” truck round trips) each operating day including C&D debris loads coming to the facility, sand/gravel loads going from the facility, and leachate loads going from the facility. This information is monitored constantly by the facility and reported monthly to the NYSDEC.

Groundwater Monitoring – Currently six groundwater monitoring wells are sampled each calendar quarter to confirm that there is no leakage from the landfill liner systems impacting groundwater quality. The results of this monitoring are reported to NYSDEC each calendar quarter.

Surface Water Monitoring – Creek samples are collected from upstream and downstream of the facility each calendar quarter to confirm that the facility is not impacting surface water quality. The results of this monitoring are reported to NYSDEC each calendar quarter.

Stormwater Monitoring – Stormwater discharges from the facility are collected from the two existing stormwater outfalls to confirm stormwater discharge quality meets permit requirements. The results of this monitoring are reported to NYSDEC annually.

Ambient Air Monitoring – Each calendar quarter, a third party engineering firm analyzes ambient air from the perimeter of the C&D debris disposal area for hydrogen sulfide gas. None of this monitoring has identified detectable levels of hydrogen sulfide gas in the air.

Sa Dunn Landfill
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